Yesterday evening, after fetching sofea fm daycare centre..she was bugging me to buy a hari raya cards. Since Myra sent hari raya card to her, kakak was so excited to reply back to Myra.
Evyday she will ask me...when can we buy the hari raya card. Since her poser still tak pernah tinggal I decided to bring her to JJ. On that time it was already 5.30..dunno whether I managed to cook for berbuka or not But since she was eager to go to aku pun pergi BUT wih syarat just a few minutes only coz I need to fetch alisa kat rumah emak (bbsitter).
We went to MPH..quite pretty but too expensive for my doter to give to her frenz. Just managed to bought 1 card for her teacher...and the rest I told sofea why not we go to JJ...may be the raya cards quite cheaper there compared to mph. Luckly, at JJ they have a few cards yg ada dlm I just bought 2 pakets of hari raya card..cute gak..ada gambo katun..katun..mmg sesuai for sofea age.
Sampai umah emak dah almost 6.00 pm..then I've to waited coz Alisa buat big investment.. "" (yak..). Emak tgh basuh yak I just wait for a while & having a chit chat with Wa (emak doters) & Yatie (farah's mother). Kakak pulak...dok whining..whining tak mo balik coz she want to play with Farah. I told her...if you're tired & thirsty dunnot complaint to me...then sofea diam. At about 6.30 pm...we were left fm rumah emak..before we go Yatie gave Sofea cucur badak. Thank u so much.
Reach home dlm kul 6.45...I just have few minutes only utk menu for yesterday was Mee Goreng. Main campak..campak ajer...then alhamdulillah kul 7 pm dah siap. Luckily Alisa tak kaco aku kt dapur coz aku sudah "rasuah" ice-cream dekat alisa...dia sibuk dok makan ice-cream ..mmg ku dpt masak dgn aman & tenteram. Last nite, I'm so I've to wait coz sofea suh aku baca kad raya yg dia nak tulis to her fenz. Rajin gak dia bagi card raya kat kawan dia including boi & gurl..sumer dia kasik..he..he..he..
Biler dah siap...dia suh aku baca....rasa cam nak pecah perut ajer baca card raya budak zaman sekarang nie. Ada satu tu...aku suh kakak padam balik..coz takut nanti parents budak tu baca...entah aper dia ingat anak aku nie.
Nk tahu aper kakak tulih...dia tulih cenggini...
Hi xxxxxx, bulan puasa nie dah puasa berapa hari?. Saya tahu awak suka xxxxxx. Kalo awak suka dia...pergilah cium dia....Luv, Sofea.
Lagik satu pulak aku baca...
Hi xxxxx, Saya rasa awak ni cun. Saya pun cun. Kita sama..sama cun kan. Luv, Sofea. OMG...mcm naik lif panjat sendiri ajer anak aku nie.
Yg paling best..aku baca dia tulis utk her teacher...Mama Ct dah buat biskut raya ker? Nanti jangan lupa kasik duit raya. Luv, Sofea.
Aku suh kakak padam pasal duit raya tu...but she insists tak mo padam..mmg quite stubborn anak aku nie. Aku mmg
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
Eh! samalah... today, Aisyah also bring raya cards to give to her frenz! But, smlm I bought only 4.
Die tanye ngape cikit, I suruh die bg yg pose penuh aje! Haahh.. hah..
he..he..tu ler yesterday Sofea tunjuk kad raya yg Aisyah kasik kat dia...cute bangat.
haha kelakar la kakak ni..!
teringat aku dulu2 tulis kad raya kat kawan2.. tapi sumer skema2 jek
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