After a few days resting, cooking my doters favorite foods, watching TV etcetera due to long holiday, I feel so sad when I need to send Alisa to her babysitter this morning. I guess Alisa feel that way too when I noticed that her facial expression changed to almost cried, but I console her that I’ll back soon to pick her up in the evening.
So today, my mind was always thinking about Alisa. Hopefully she’s okey at rumah emak. I missed kakak too especially her witty reply when I said something to her.
As requested fm my close fren, I attached a few pics of Alisa when I brought her to JJ@ setiawangsa during her besday. Kakak was not on the pics since she have to go to school. Just me & the besday gurl.
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
saper request tu? bkn aku kan..? he..he.. mcm ler kwn ko tur aku sorang jer! perasan aku nih!
Sebijik mcm kakak die.. photostat ngan rambut sekali. Ishh..ish..
psst: Wish me Luck... aku gabra utk esok nie! tolongggg...
canteksnye alisa!!!!
alah... bile nk jumpe2 lagi ni riko?
hi nur..
no need to gabra..
just relax..
d' panel interviewers tuh ok banget.. no need to worry ek...
just 'sell' yrself the best way u can, ye..
gud luck!
Thanks Sherry..
But... so sad coz I'm not well performing myself on that day! a bit frust...
I just pray for it.. really hope that `MIRACLE THING HAPPEN'.. sorrrbb...
p/s: what yr blog add? couldn't find it dear..
kak..she is so big now...i mean dah besar,where the cute-pie smilling girl??Miss that cherub
Rambut Alisa mmg samer cam rambut Kakak tp sayang...lepas aku potong rambut kakak...terus tak ada curly lepas tu.
Tunggu mummy balik M'sia ler..leh jumpa jumpaan makan dim sum ker..makan korean food ker..makan kat Shogun pun besh gak.
thanks cz bagi semangat kat kawan aku sorang tu.
Kakak (Sofea) ker? he..he..he..Sis baru ajer tempek gambo & citer pasal dia pd entry hari nie.
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